You are a ship. You are powerful and sturdy. Many days you are able to sail smoothly, and with little resistance. From time to time, you come across a storm. There is thunder and lightning, waves bring you up, down, and around. You are unable to fight it and progress on your path. So you set your anchor down and wait out the storm. You let the swells rise and fall underneath you. The only thing you can do is take care of the ship, and prepare it for the storm. The storm is outside of your control, you cannot change its existence or intensity.

Your anchor is what keeps you from getting thrown off track, it keeps you strong. Have an anchor in your life. For myself, it is my breath. I have strengthened my habit of meditation. I meditate no matter the mood I am in. This has familiarized myself with a pattern of breathing, as well as posture. I am able to go to the space of calm, or at least get close to it whenever I stop and take a second to breathe. It is so powerful when I am experiencing those storm-like moments. After lots of practice, I am sometimes able to keep the metaphorical storm from happening, just by taking 30 seconds to decompress. It takes dedication and time, but you too can find an anchor for yourself. The storm never completely goes away, nor does it quickly lose intensity. However, you become more grounded and strong. You will become more resilient to the storm, however it may manifest in your life.